Art Artists Beyond Categories Desolation Existentialism Hearthy Photography Photomanipulation Unfathomable

The Eternal.

{Revised! 7/7/2019}

The artist Hearthy (soi-disant), Ismael Pimenta, creates wondrous, vivid-yet-mysterious photomanipulations that seems to convey a certain beautiful isolation, of sorts. Bio info seems hard to track down: He’s Brazilian, has a Gallery at DeviantArt, and ________________.

Audio musics

“Naima”: John Coltrane Live At The Village Vanguard Again!


Live At The Village Vanguard Again!Β  {1966}

Featuring John Coltrane (ts), Pharoah Sanders (ts), Alice Coltrane (p), Jimmy Garrison (b), Rashied Ali (d), Emanuel Rahim (pc).

{More incredible Coltrane can be heard at Penumbrage}